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[The Ultimate Guide] How to Teach Yourself Guitar

[The Ultimate Guide] How to Teach Yourself Guitar:

[ The Ultimate Guide ] How to Teach Yourself Guitar
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Now just imagine what it would be like if you could take any tricky chord and ‘program’ your hands how to play it in just a few minutes.

Pretty cool, right?

Now take it one step further. Imagine you could take whole sets of tricky chords and ingrain them deep in your subconscious mind. So they would be ready to play perfectly. Anytime you wished to call them up.

[ The Ultimate Guide ] How to Teach Yourself Guitar

All of this using a quick and simple technique.

Or take it further still. Imagine you could use this one simple trick to learn not only chords, but whole sets of scales, strums, riffs, licks, songs – you name it! All instilled in your pre-motor cortex. Ready to activate your hands and fingers to play them flawlessly as and when you wished.

All you need is a guitar and an open mind

Once you are willing to throw away all of the old, inefficient methods of learning the guitar, I will show you how to use the power of your subconscious mind to quickly and easily learn to play the guitar. And play it like a professional.

[ The Ultimate Guide ] How to Teach Yourself Guitar

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