Thứ Hai , Tháng Ba 10 2025
Home / Video dạy học Guitar / This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 4: Your Sweep Picking Sucks

This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 4: Your Sweep Picking Sucks

This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 4: Your Sweep Picking Sucks:

Twitter/Instagram @BenEllerGuitars

Because you, my loyal audience, asked for it! Its all for you, Damien! I’ve been hit with a tidal wave of messages from folks with totally shameful sweep picking who need some help getting their shit straightened out. And that is exactly what i intend to do in this mega-sized TiWYSaG lesson! Terrible, messy, inaccurate mindless sweeping is one of my least favorite things in the world to hear. Its typically how young guitar players “shred” without actually putting the time or effort into learning any scales, and its usually done VERY badly. My usual 10 minutes wasn’t enough to get your sweeps turned into something presentable, so i blew the doors off of this one for you guys. Hope you enjoy. We will cover the absolute most important things you need to know: how to hold your pick, how to drag that sumbitch across the strings, how to keep your fretting hand from ruining your life, and what kind of tone to use when practicing. So buckle up, and turn your Line 6 Spider III off of that ridiculous INSANE setting for gods sake. And brush that hair out of your eyes so you can better see how you’ve been doing this shit wrong.
I proudly use my Ibanez RG470, Dimarzio Super 2 bridge pickup, Kemper Profiler, Matrix GT800FX power amp, Avatar 2×12 speaker cab, and horse hair sweaters. And bourbon. Because your sweeps drive me to it.

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