Thứ Hai , Tháng Ba 10 2025
Home / Video dạy học Guitar / This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 1: Your picking sucks

This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 1: Your picking sucks

This is Why You Suck at Guitar, lesson 1: Your picking sucks:

Twitter/Instagram @BenEllerGuitars

It’s ol’ Uncle Ben Eller here again with a new lesson video series for you guys called “This is Why You Suck at Guitar”! I’m gonna be laying the straight dope on you guys about why you play guitar like some kind of drunk stepdad and how you can change it. My students pay me money to sit in front of them and give them gentle instruction on how to improve their playing and meet their goals, but since you all are freeloading Youtubers, and these lessons are free, i’m gonna take off the kid gloves and lay it on straight.
Today we are going to look at your slack-ass picking and learn why it sucks. Tired of sounding like shit? Good, i’m tired of listening to it! Grab a seat and let Uncle Ben learn you yet well.
HUGE THANKS to Jacob Long of Longwerks for making my sweet title screen! You are the man. Hit him up for your next music video, graphic design, editing project, or whatever else you need to look awesome. Jacob is one of the most talented people i’ve ever met!
SUBSCRIBE and keep watching for more lessons on why you suck! Let me know what you suck at, and i will come up with a way to fix it. Thanks for watching, now get to work!

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